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Ionic Technologies
Does not kill pathogens
No HVAC decontamination feature
Surfaces are not decontaminated
Air is not decontaminated
Chemical Disinfectants (Janitorial)
Not continuous
No HVAC decontamination feature
Subject to human error
Chemical dilution issues
Protocol compliance issues
Labor costs
Ongoing costs of chemicals and application supplies
Ultraviolet Lights
Limited effect on moving air
Only line of sight protection
Distances decrease effectiveness
May cause skin and eye damage upon extended exposure
Hydrogen Peroxide Misting Systems, Chemical Misting, and Ozone Systems
Overly aggressive
Not safe in areas occupied by humans or other life forms
Not continuous
No HVAC decontamination feature
Relies on human programming and deployment
Labor costs
Recurring costs of chemicals
Ozone does not self-regulate and is banned from use in many locations
Air Filtration, Electronic Air Filters/Plasma
Filtration, Electronic Air Filters/Plasma
Passive-relying on pathogens to travel to the filter
Generally, fails to kill smaller particulates
Surfaces are not decontaminated
Recurring costs with filter replacement and/or maintenance
No HVAC decontamination feature
Preemptively seeks and destroys infectious microbes, scientifically tested to kill specific virus and bacteria.
H2O2 coverage of air and surfaces auto-regulated for not exceeding OSHA limits.
Safe – produces .02 ppm H2O2 molecules which is 1/50 th of OSHA safe limit
Kills even the smallest known micro-organic pathogens (viruses, bacteria, mold, volatile organic compounds “VOC”)
Kills germs in the air and on every surface
Through oxidation, microbial pathogens are decomposed and rendered harmless
Filtrates everywhere air can travel
Eliminates odors
Easily installed into HVAC systems
Low maintenance
Does NOT produce ozone
Works as a continuous infection microbial reduction purification device
Hydroxyl OH Radicals
Harmful to humans and pets
Hydroxyl Radicals are among the most harmful free radicals
Can be toxic and carcinogenic
Destroys the membranes of cells and has been observed to cause cell mutation
Air Filtration, Electronic Air Filters/Plasma
Filtration, Electronic Air Filters/Plasma
Passive-relying on pathogens to travel to the filter
Generally, fails to kill smaller particulates
Surfaces are not decontaminated
Recurring costs with filter replacement and/or maintenance
No HVAC decontamination feature
Hydrogen Peroxide Misting Systems, Chemical Misting, and Ozone Systems
Overly aggressive
Not safe in areas occupied by humans or other life forms
Not continuous
No HVAC decontamination feature
Relies on human programming and deployment
Labor costs
Recurring costs of chemicals
Ozone does not self-regulate and is banned from use in many locations
Chemical Disinfectants (Janitorial)
Not continuous
No HVAC decontamination feature
Subject to human error
Chemical dilution issues
Protocol compliance issues
Labor costs
Ongoing costs of chemicals and application supplies
BonAir CIMR Technology
The CIMR Technology that powers BonAir generators is used and trusted by the Department of Homeland Security, US Air Force, and military personnel.
Preemptively seeks and destroys infectious microbes, scientifically tested to kill specific viruses and bacteria.
H2O2 coverage of air and surfaces auto-regulated for not exceeding OSHA/EPA/RoHS limits.
Safe – produces .02 ppm H2O2 molecules which are 1/50th of OSHA safe limit
Kills even the smallest known micro-organic pathogens (viruses, bacteria, mold, volatile organic compounds “VOC”)
Kills germs in the air and on every surface
Through oxidation, microbial pathogens are decomposed and rendered harmless
Filtrates everywhere air can travel
Eliminates odors
Easily installed into HVAC systems
Low maintenance
Does NOT produce ozone
Works as a continuous infection microbial reduction purification device
Ozone O3 Systems (Vollara Air Purifier)
Uses Ozone which is harmful to humans of any age and pets of any size
Cannot be uses in occupied areas
Unable to protect you 24/7 since the device needs to be turned off before the room or facility receives occupants
Ozone has a distinct odor that is unpleasant
Ultraviolet Lights
Limited effect on moving air
Only line of sight protection
Distances decrease effectiveness
May cause skin and eye damage upon extended exposure
Ionic Technologies
Does not kill pathogens
No HVAC decontamination feature
Surfaces are not decontaminated
Air is not decontaminated

Compare BonAir to other services
BonAir uses Low-Level Hydrogen Peroxide

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